As I may have shared in the past, when I sit down at my computer to write my monthly blog, I feel into the Collective for the themes of what is happening right now for folks. Then I share those here with you. There's often a comfort in knowing we're not alone in our journeys, that others are experiencing and feeling similarly. And I'll always offer guidance for navigating in a smoother manner.
We are each rapidly releasing and shedding old versions of our conditioned self and steadily realigning to our True Nature. I feel like December of 2024 and the transition into 2025 was an even greater acceleration of this process. Huge, monumental shifts happening overnight. Like someone flipping the light switch on in our basement that lights up and reveals a whole bunch of old, broken stuff left by the generations before us that we never realized was being stored there.
For many, the past few weeks to few months has been met with waking up to the realities of relationships that were/are out of alignment with our path. Highlighting aspects of these relationships that we weren’t willing to face in the past. Part of this process of closing out relationships is grieving them.
This grief is also balanced with a resoluteness about making space for what is next. There’s a pull toward what is emerging and if we get silent and still...and really tune in...there’s a juicy, creative curiosity to it. Can you feel it?
For others, it’s been an inner knowing that the way things have been in our careers, household, or health and wellbeing are needing a complete and total renovation. The old structures and systems just aren’t working nor relevant anymore. Old behaviors aren’t having the same results. Essentially - we are not being allowed to stay stuck anymore, no matter how stubborn we are!
This can feel uneasy, especially for those of us who need to know all the details now and have a specific plan to execute against. This is the goopy, messy part between the old and the new that has yet to come into form.
The best way to navigate this is through acceptance and surrendering. It’s through trusting that we are always being held by Divine Love. We are always safe. And everything is working toward our greatest good – always! We don’t have to know all the things or all the steps. We can trust that right where we are is exactly where we need to be. And all we need to do is take the step that is directly in front of us to take. No more, no less.
This is a time for grieving the old. For acknowledging all our previous versions of Self did to help us, support us, and keep us safe. For giving gratitude to the relationships and partnerships for the learning and lessons that they provided. For unearthing the specific patterns and behaviors that we were operating within so that we can actively and consciously shift them (so as to avoid creating the same prison again, just with a different paint color).
If you don’t have someone to support you through this, schedule a session with me. I have tools that can help assist with this process.
I’m also offering a new option that I’ve never offered before. A full-day, immersive healing experience. If you’re ready to do the deep work and want to be held in safe, sacred space to dive in, release, reconnect, and realign with the brilliant YOU that is emerging…reach out to talk details. I’ll customize the experience to your journey.
We’ll do this one-day (or two, if you feel that best serves you) deep dive here in Huntington Beach, CA where I live. We’ll leverage the power of the ocean and the elements to assist you in this process. You’ll have the space to meander, wander, and wonder into the exploration of your inner world and find what wants to emerge in the outer. I’ll use all the tools at my disposal to support you.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, let’s talk.
If not, may you feel fully supported and divinely loved as the old you fades and the TRUE you deepens and expands to your fullest potential!
With deep gratitude,